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It Was Never About the Paycheck - Josh's Story

For Josh, graduating from Lambton College signaled the next stage of his journey: the search for meaningful employment opportunities and connections to his community. Despite multiple barriers (both physical and cognitive) his motivation to get out there and work has never wavered. 

“For me, going to work is about building up my stamina, trying to push myself to do a little bit more every day. I’ve have been on a long road to recovery after being diagnosed with Brain Cancer at 15 years old and this is the next part of my journey”,  said Josh.

Josh was successful in obtaining a position at Kincardine Dentistry in 2018 and here is what his employer, Gail Walden, had to say about him in May 2020 while Josh was at home after the Dentist office was closed due to the pandemic: 

“Josh takes care of our shredding, wiping of door handles, cleaning of toys, and general overall tidying but his true forte lies in his ability as a ‘meeter and greeter’.  Josh’s outgoing and unassuming personality makes our patients feel comfortable in an environment where many people are understandably nervous.  We will often find Josh striking up a conversation with patients as he moves about our reception area.  While we appreciate all the work that Josh does for us, he has helped us in ways that are difficult to tangibly measure.  Josh has taught our team, as well as patients that differences are not only okay, but absolutely essential to working as a team and that we all have talents and can all contribute in the workplace and beyond.  Every day that Josh comes to work is another day he has supported all of us in breaking down barriers for employment of people with disabilities.  And he does this with an innate sense of humour that cannot help but bring a smile to everyone who meets him.   Josh has left an indelible mark on Kincardine Dentistry and for this we are truly grateful!  We will see you back at work soon Josh!” – Gail Walden, Business Manager – Kincardine Dentistry 

If you ask Josh what he would say to other people who might experience barriers to employment and are on the fence about job searching, he candidly says:

“You never know what you can do until you get out there and try it, and you’ll probably surprise yourself.”

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