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Become a Member

Community Living Kincardine & District recognizes the value in working together to provide the best opportunities for people with developmental disabilities.  Becoming a member of Community Living Kincardine & District (CLKD) offers you the ability to support the activities of the Organization in our pursuit for an inclusive, caring community.


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Membership benefits

Membership enables you to vote in the Board of Directors elections at the Annual General Meeting and provides you with a voice in this Association and provincial organizations as we work to address local and province-wide challenges and issues.


A healthy, active and vibrant association benefits us all and demonstrates strong support for the values of inclusion, belonging, respect and community.

Membership - $10.00

General Membership is open to any person who is 18 years of age or older who supports the purpose and objectives of the Association, pays an Annual Membership Feed and who is not an employee or spouse of an employee of this Association.  General membership carries full voting privileges.

Self Advocate Membership - $5.00

Open to any person who supports the purposes and objectives of the Association, meets the requirements of General Membership and is eligible to receive services.  Self Advocate memberships carry full voting privileges.

Membership - $100.00

Open to any persons who supports the purposes and objectives of the Association, meets the requirements of the General Membership and pays a Life Membership fee.  Valid from the date of purchase for all future membership years and carries full voting privileges.

Corporate / Business Membership - $100.00

Open to any company, organization or business which supports the Mission and objectives of CLKD and pays a corporate membership fee.  This membership category does not have voting privileges.

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