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CLKD Expanding Services to all People 55+

The Ontario Trillium Foundation’s (OTF) mission is to build healthy and vibrant communities across Ontario. Last year, CLKD was awarded funding from the Ontario Trillium Foundation to increase our organization's post pandemic resiliency. Since then, we have been working to audit our current supports and services, look for opportunities in supports among vulnerable populations in the community and work to build recommendations on how we can help to fill support gaps as a local service provider while ensuring people are supported to reconnect.

We met with: people in the community to hear personal stories and feedback, advocacy groups, municipality contacts, other organizations, service providers and members from our our local health care teams to collect as much information as possible. We analyzed our grassroots data, along with data from published local reports, and have identified several support gaps.

Our data showed multiple gaps in supports for the aging and their caregivers. As a result, we are working toward helping to fill identified gaps by partnering with local service organizations and community volunteers to bring more programming and supports to our community. 

As we continue to work toward our mission of an inclusive caring community, we look to ensure that includes all community members.

If you would like to learn more, or if you are interested in volunteering with us, please email .


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