#Volunteers Bring Change
The current circumstances have highlighted how much of an impact our volunteers have, either because of what they are doing now in response to the pandemic, or how their absence from volunteering face to face has been felt.
Our amazing volunteers at CLKD have continued to generously give their time and efforts to support and help others despite these unpresedented times.
This past year brought so much change, but our volunteers have been finding new ways to stay connected. Their willingness to pivot to a virtual environment, whether it be that phone call to check in, continuing to share their talents through virtual platforms, or sharing stories through social media, has played a huge part in preventing social isolation.
We would like to recognize the difference all of our volunteers have made, and continue to make, through the virtual role they play in response to COVID-19. Through their continued dedication and acts of kindness, our volunteers help us stay connected to each other, our hobbies and our community.
We appreciate everything you do and thank you for staying connected!