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Infant & Child Development

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Families receive in-home support as they learn about parenting their baby or toddler with a developmental disability or who is at risk for a delay. Families receive resources related to their child's specific needs and are supported to develop links to community services. Facilitated music groups, information sessions with local experts and in-home visits help develop a strong foundation of support for young children and families. 

Welcoming and Inclusive
Baby & Me Groups

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Join us for our Community based Baby & Me Groups! 


We love having fun with you and baby doing all the amazing things that contribute to bonding and development. Baby & Me Groups such as Messy Art Group, Music Group and Gross Motor & Movement Group are geared towards babies/toddlers/preschoolers, are FREE and open to everyone.


Groups are most commonly hosted at the Knox Presbyterian Church in Kincardine. Keep an eye on our Instagram or Facebook pages and/or here, on our website, for the most up-to-date information and upcoming groups. 

How to Get Support from CLKD's Infant & Child Development Program:

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Doctors, Specialists and other Agencies can refer your child to us but parents or caregivers who have concerns about their child's development can also refer their child and seek support from us.


If you have any concerns about your child's development, download the form, fill it out and return it to our Infant and Child Development Coordinator, Jenny by email:, Fax: 519-396-9414 or by dropping it off at our office: 286 Lambton Street, Kincardine. 


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