Looking for something fun for the kids on March break? Join our "Lots of Socks" poster contest in support of World Down Syndrome Day!
We are accepting posters from now until 5 pm on World Down Syndrome Day - March 21, 2020. You/your child can create a poster and submit a photo of the completed poster to cmc@clkd.ca to be entered into the contest.
There are no rules but we do encourage the use of bright colours, socks, messaging and creativity.
What is Lots of Socks Day?
Lots of Socks Day is an international campaign held on World Down Syndrome Day – March 21st - and is focused on celebrating individuals living with Down Syndrome.
People around the world are invited to wear ‘Lots of Socks’ – colourful socks, striped socks, tall socks, polka-dot socks or even three pairs of socks – to help spark conversations and show their support for a community that welcomes everyone.
The following are official hashtags for the WDSD Lots of Socks campaign: #LotsOfSocks, #WorldDownSyndromeDay and #WDSD20. Please feel free to include these hashtags in your own social media post and join the worldwide conversation.
Why March 21st?
The 21st day of the 3rd month of the year (March) which signifies the triplication of the 21st chromosome which results in an individual having Down Syndrome.
Why Socks?
If you place two socks heal to heal, it resembles a chromosome.
For more information on World Down Syndrome Day (WDSD) please visit: https://www.worlddownsyndromeday2.org/
If you have any questions about the "Lots of Socks" (LOS) campaign, World Down Syndrome Day (WDSD) or the LOS Poster Contest, please feel free to email me, Catherine Evans, at cmc@clkd.ca.
Thank you for participating and showing your support for the amazing individuals around the world living with Down Syndrome.