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Providing people living with disabilities meaningful opportunities to participate in employment with the same rights, entitlements and opportunities to pursue fulfilling and rewarding work.


Our Vision

People with disabilities will have meaningful opportunities to participate in employment with the same rights, entitlements and opportunities to pursue fulfilling and rewarding work.

Our Goals

  • To support people with a disability to obtain full-time, part-time or self employment.

  • To increase the employment rate of people with disabilities by engaging employers and raising awareness about the value of hiring people with disabilities. 

  • To increase community awareness of the services offered by JobsWork.


  • To work with schools and employers to build  partnerships and community capacity to assist youth with disabilities to make the transition from high school to employment.

Assisting with Career Readiness for Job Seekers

JobsWork staff work with the job seeker to complete a 6 session discovery process to identify skills, abilities and interests. At the end of the process, the individual will have an employment plan.

JobsWork staff assist the Job Seeker to receive education related to job readiness including, but not limited to WHIMIS, Workplace Health and Safety Training and Free Employment based Educational Workshops.

Resume and Cover Letters:
After the discovery process is complete, JobsWork staff will assist the Job Seeker create a current resume and cover letters geared toward the business(es) of their choice.

Interview Practice:
JobsWork staff will work with the Job Seeker to prepare them for an interview with mock interview questions and first impression preparation.

Job Coaching:
JobsWork staff will work along side the Job Seeker at their new job until the new employee and employer are satisfied with the job performance. Staff will assist the new Employee in any capacity required for them to perform their duties seamlessly.

On-going Support:
JobsWork offers on-going support for Employees and Employers for up to 33 months after the start of a new position and then on as an “as-needed” bases.

Jobs Discovery - Experience for Life - Final Report

Ministry of Community and Social Services Employment and Modernization Fund was used to launch our “Jobs Discovery – Experience for Live” program. This was a two-year, project where Community Living Kincardine & District worked with Kincardine District Secondary School students living with developmental disabilities to introduce them to the world of work through workplace tours, resume building, job preparation, education and work placements.


The project was a great success. To learn more read our JobsWork Report and/or watch the video.

About JobsWork!

Jobswork is a program dedicated to providing people living with disabilities meaningful opportunities to participate in employment with the same rights, entitlements and opportunities to pursue fulfilling and rewarding work.

Watch the video to learn about the program from local employers who have used it to find dedicated and valuable employees.

JobsWork helped me get a  job at McDonald's and  Sutton Inn in Kincardine. They worked with me to achieve success at both jobs.

They have worked with me to maintain my job at McDonald's. They also helped me get my WHIMIS.

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